• +65 6694 5429
  • Mon - Fri 08:30-18:00
  • 28F Penjuru Close #01-05 Singapore 609134

Temperature / Humidity Mapping Service

There are regulations set to ensure warehouses storing pharmaceutical products are mapped and monitored. The facility requires stringent control in Temperature / Humidity of the storage areas.

Data loggers are deployed to record temperature / humidity data for monitoring and analysis. The temperature / humidity mapping will help to identify hot spots, to determine the internal temperature / humidity that is affected by climatic changes and to better manage the storage of the product.


What does a temperature / humidity mapping tell me?

A temperature / humidity mapping can reveal a great deal of information about the dynamics and performance of the installation. This information is required to confirm the proper operation, identify and resolve suspected shortcomings in the performance.

The temperature / humidity mapping will:

  • Document the high and low temperature / humidity fluctuations caused by the environmental control systems operating at the time of the study.
  • Identify potential airflow issues that may be the cause of temperature / humidity variations.
  • Identify the best places to locate temperature / humidity sensors, for routine monitoring, in circumstances in which a monitoring system is installed. If a monitoring is already installed, identify the best places to re-locate temperature / humidity sensors (if necessary).
  • Recommendations can be made for any remedial actions needed to overcome the problem.

We provide Temperature / Humidity mapping for Ovens, Freezers, Chillers, Custom Cold-rooms & Warehouses for various industries. For more information, feel free to contact our team for quotation.

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